Once registered with the club, you will be deemed to accept all the Policies and Procedures and Rules of the Club.
Please click on any of the policies listed below to view and/or download - hard signed copies are also available to be looked at, on request, within the club setting. Please note that policies are reviewed every academic year.
Absence and Sickness.docx Administering medication.docx Admissions and Fees.docx Aggressive behaviour.docx Anti-bullying.docx Arrivals and departures.docx Behaviour management.docx Child induction.docx Code of Conduct.docx Complaints.docx Dangerous plants.docx Data Protection.docx Emergency evacuation.docx Environmental.docx Equalities.docx EYFS.docx Fire.docx Food safety.docx Health and Safety.docx Healthy eating.docx Illness and accidents.docx Intimate care.docx Involving parents.docx Lone working.docx Manual handling policy.docx Missing child.docx Mission statement.docx Mobile phone.docx No platform.docx Participation.docx Play.docx Risk assessment.docx Safe recruitment.docx Safeguarding.docx Smoking, drugs and alcohol.docx Social media.docx Staff behaviour.docx Staff disciplinary.docx Staff grievance.docx Staff induction.docx Suspension and exclusion.docx Uncollected children.docx Visitors.docx Whistleblowing.docx